Wearable Branding – How Embroidered Caps Make a Statement in Marketing

Embroidered caps are a cost-effective and effective marketing tool. They make your brand stand out and are the perfect choice for any event, whether you’re looking to boost your company’s exposure at a trade show or to create an on-brand giveaway for customers and clients alike.

The rise of wearable technology presents a new realm of branding opportunities for brands. The integration of sensors into everyday clothing, jewellery and even temporary tattoos has opened up an entirely new level of immersion for consumers – one that has the potential to change how companies communicate with their audiences.

According to a recent report from Mindshare and Goldsmiths University of London, brands should be testing new, more personalized advertising models in order to capitalize on the huge communications opportunities presented by devices that connect individuals physically to the web. The report defines four areas for this experimentation: push notifications; paid search ads; brand utility – services created for the consumer that operate on the wearable; and content personalization – delivery of personalized content on other platforms, based on data generated by a wearable.

Marketers have been using GPS and NFC technologies to send advertisements to smartphones for a while now, but the advent of wearables means that consumers can receive these messages in a context where they are more likely to respond – no missed messages or digging in a purse or pocket required. This makes them a highly effective vehicle for conversion, from traditional purchases to enrollment in a loyalty program to the sharing of branded content or messaging via social media.

Getting the most out of these opportunities requires thoughtful consideration by marketers and businesses, which is why it’s important to have a hands-on approach with wearable technology. For example, a forward-thinking Ralph Lauren polo from last year’s US Open had sensors woven into the fabric to track biometrics and serve real-time notifications for tennis fans. In addition, Ralph Lauren developed a mobile app to give people deeper insight into their performance and habits.

Another example of innovative branding with wearables comes from Nivea, a personal care brand that promoted its children’s sunscreen by printing its tear-out bracelets with GPS chips. Parents could download a free app to the bracelet that would alert them if their child strayed from a perimeter they had set for them, such as around a school or beach. This helped to keep Nivea top-of-mind for parents while also generating positive press about the company’s inventive use of tech for its marketing campaigns.

Regardless of what type of product or service your business offers, the key to successful branding is establishing credibility. This will allow you to create an authentic connection with your audience and build a lasting, trusted relationship with them. As the rise of wearable technology continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see what creative ways companies find to leverage this new channel for their branding purposes. So, be sure to keep an eye on this exciting trend and stay tuned for more content from the team at Content Standard. If you need high quality embroidered cap in Salt  Lake City click here.